The Mann Family Blog

Monday, March 26, 2007

Our Trip to The Felser's Farm

We went to Bill & Carolyn Fesler's farm today to see all their goats. They have so many Bill is not even real sure exactly the number! They had two twins born just this morning! We had a blast. The sounds the goats make is so cute, and sometimes it even reminded me of the sounds my kids make when they are playing. Of course, I took a ton of pictures. I thought I'd post a few.

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As soon as we got there a few of the goats ran up to us and started nibbling on our clothes. This really surprised Ainsley. She wasn't scared though. She is saying in this picture, "Mommy, he's eatin' my shirt!"

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I love this picture of my girls together! This is one I'll have printed and framed for their room.

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Hayden's favorite part about being on the farm was finding rocks to throw in the water trough and make a big splash. He would toss one in and wait for the splash and laugh and say, "Oooo, nasty!" He did this about 50 times I think!

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Carson loved feeding the babies with the bottle. On our way out he was carrying one of the goats and someone asked, "Are you going to take that one home?" He ran up to me and said, "Mommy! He said we could take that one home!" No, he didn't get to take one home, but somehow I got talked into going back to the farm in the morning to get one to take to Carson's class for show and tell. It is his birthday tomorrow, so I guess the birthday boy can have his wish!

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Katelyn's favorite part was finding all the newest babies and carrying them around. She wanted me to take her picture with each one she picked up. As we were driving away she was already asking me if her friends could come out with her next time. I'm sure I will be getting asked every day when we are going back. She was right at home on the farm. I've told her before if she wants farm animals she'll have to marry a cowboy. :-) I can actually see her living the farm life.

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Ainsley feeding the baby. She's been practicing a lot with her baby dolls at home. She's a natural! ;-)

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Can you tell she's loving this?

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I really like this picture of Hayden because you can tell by his chubby cheek that he is grinning really big. It reminds me that he won't have that chubby face and extra chin for much longer. He'll grow out of his "baby" face before we know it.

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Carson getting chewed on.

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Ainsley holding one of the newborn twins.

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Carson getting a little love from one of the twins!

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Hayden choking one of the kids. :-) It was okay... really!

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Ainsley must have smelled yummy because those babies nibbled on her the whole time we were there. They even enjoyed her hair! I wonder if she had syrup in her hair from breakfast? :-)

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Well, Angela, we have our own "poop" shoes! We all had to take our shoes off before we got into the van. Next time the kids will wear those rain boots that I have always felt ashamed for buying because they were not a neccessity. They will get a lot of use now!

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The best part of the farm trip for me was seeing the smiles and the excitement on their faces while we were there. And not worrying how dirty they were getting. It didn't matter. All that was important was being in that moment with them. And don't worry Mom, I put them in the shower the minute we walked in the door. :-)

1 comment:

The Armstrong Family said...

This looks like a lot of fun! I wish we were there to go and play at the farm with you.